I’m a very open book about my baby weight because open books are my favorite kind. The heartfelt, sweet, funny, empathetic responses to my last post on this topic brought genuine tears to my eyes. They made me feel less alone in this difficult journey. You sweethearts who read my words are amazing!
And really. Pregnancy pounds are a pretty universal experience, so why not support each other through the absolute trauma and slow-but-sure road to recovery? I gain a whole house and you might just gain a spare bedroom, and I might hate you a little for this but I still want to be friends.
Now back to the book wide open. Between miscarrying, being overly cautious after miscarrying, finally getting pregnant, struggling through pregnancy, and recovering, I didn’t step foot in a gym for almost a year. So after finally getting the green light from my OB at the world-famous 6-week check-up—Yay! Cool! Are you sure? Do you want to check one more time? Are you sure I can’t blame you, doctor, for a few more months?—I panicked for the most obvious reason.
What on EARTH would I wear?!
So I texted my super-fit mom friend Allison who is also very stylish and smart. “So, like, what are the young kids wearing on their feet these days when they, you know, what do they call it. Exercise???”
“A lot of them like Nike Frees!” she said helpfully.
Boom! Market research complete.
I went straight to the Fashion Island Nike Store, which is an intimidating place for a mom rocking the postpartum bod, to be sure, but the employees were quite helpful and kind. (I later learned this is likely the most expensive place in America to buy Nike Frees, but as I mentioned, my fitness game = off point).
And then… It happened. The sweet angels sang as I fell madly in love with a pair of athletic shoes. I have not loved a pair of shoes this much since those towering black chunky Steve Madden wedges that were simply everything to a high school girl in the early 2000s. I AM SO INTO MY FREES, guys. I want to take them out for a fancy dinner and pour them expensive champagne and feed them Butter Cake, though they’d probably prefer “water” and “no dessert for me, thanks!”
I must be eons behind on this trend and I don’t even care. They’re like socks but still shoes. Light as a whisper. Totally stylin; fashion meets function. I’m a big believer in cute proper gear (for anything) being a motivator and these guys are no exception. They’re basically melting the weight off.
HA!!! That’s not true, but I love them immensely and they’re just perfect for my long walks, elliptical sessions, light jogs, strength circuits, and occasional lounging by the pool when I check in my kids at the YMCA but don’t quite make it to the actual “workout” part. I can’t ruin my new shoes TOO fast, you know.
And here is my update, because open books. I’ve lost 45 pounds; 10 more to go!!!!!
Here also is more of the truth. This. Is. So. Hard. And it’s boring sometimes. I wake up early to get on the elliptical in my garage, and I count my Weight Watchers points like a CPA. Losing weight this time is harder for both biological and logistical reasons. My body is less forgiving because I’m a few years older, and two kids are more than a handful because they are precisely two hands full and it’s a miracle I can still add. Anyone who tells you it’s easy to be fit (or do math) after multiple babies is a straight-up liar or named Gisele Bündchen (Mathematician).
But, surprisingly, there’s still yet another side. The slow, steady, arduous process of losing weight can also be rewarding and fun. It requires incredible dedication and focus, but yields deep satisfaction and legitimate benefits. I feel stronger, better, awake, more alive. (As long as I’ve had my coffee.) And guess what? My body made people!!!! These last 10 pounds are going to be a real doozy, but I’m ready to take them on.
So losing weight is hard, but it’s good, like many important things. And you can totally do it, moms. Start somewhere. I’m here for you. This is definitely a Love Letter to my Nike Frees, but it’s also a note to my sister moms. That means you’re a mom, and therefore my soul sister (whether you like it or not). You’ve given your body over to your beloved small humans, and of course you wouldn’t trade it, but you know well the depth of sacrifice and discomfort. And I just want to remind you that you are so strong and extraordinary and so many people love you and need you. The struggle is real but grace is abundant. Let it be hard, but let it be fun, and let it not be our idol. We have the rest of our lives to be fit, but mere moments of our children as babes. Work out when you can, and buy healthy groceries. But sometimes also eat the dang Butter Cake. And you ENJOY IT.
Also, I’m serious. Don’t underestimate the power of small treats that will make the hell of losing weight, fun. Great playlists, workout buddies, enjoyable classes, some of Target’s shockingly adorable workout clothes in your current, beautiful size.
And o-b-v-i, some Nike Frees.
Apparently the kids are also taking pics of their feet against hard-surface floors, so I hope you enjoy that shot of my unstoppable neon footwear.
Also the workout selfie’s a one-time thing. [Insert Emoji of Cute Monkey Covering Eyes but Also Sassy Dancing Girl in Red Dress Striking Her Pose.]
Love and hugs!
P.S. MOMentary Insanity is now on Instagram! Follow @momentaryinsanity if you’re not already! It’s such a neat, easy way for me to share brief thoughts, mom tips, fun pics, Trader Joe’s tricks, and shorter “blog” posts sprinkled throughout the weeks. Life with 2 kids is cray and everyone’s busy and brief little snapshots are fun. In relation to this post, I’ll definitely share future occasional weight loss updates, healthy recipes, workouts, etc. MWAH!