Waffles, messes,
Tangles, dresses.
Cries of her heart in the morning.
What if no one sits with me at the peanut table?
Wobbles, milk,
Giggles, silk.
Cries of her heart at noon.
Will you be there to break my fall?
Bold, creative,
New bangs, Natives.
Cries of her heart after school.
Mom, what does it mean to get married?
Three worlds
One house
Three girls
Twelve doubts
Each time they look to me
For every answer eardrums crave
For all they have and need
It’s OK that you felt strange
When she got that compliment.
It’s OK you’re late to walk
We learn with each misstep.
It’s OK that you see boys
I see them see you, too.
It’s OK I have two arms
When there are three of you.
It’s OK that sometimes,
Your Mommy doesn’t know.
Or needs a moment on her knees
For courage as you grow.
Will they grow up to love You?
Do I have the strength they need?
Will they always praise their bodies?
God, protect them from my beasts.
Will the tall one stay so anxious?
May the middle love her curves.
Will the baby feel left out
Or will she know we begged for her?
May I slather them with golden truth
Honey on their toast.
May they always know they need me
But that I need them the most.
How does God live in your heart,
And also in the sky?
This remains a big one
And I’m really not sure why
But I tell them that some things
That make most sense in the world
At the same time can’t be cookied
Like a fortune for my girls.
But each dawn when I rise,
I roll over and I pray
That He would both hold up the sky
And guide me on my way
That He’d stay close
and listen
to the
Cries of my heart
All day.